Skating Since: September 2012
What made you get involved in roller derby?: I feel like if fate exists I was destined to play derby.I lived in another small town when I found Rocktown.I just happened to be in Harrisonburg one day and found a small flyer at Midtowne Market advertising an open house for freshmeat.I had never seen derby, but told myself that "hey you used to love to skate,why not?". So I went to the open house and met some of the most intimidating and amazing women I had ever met.It felt right, I knew I had to do this.
How did you pick your name?: My absolute favorite movie is Kill Bill! I always wanted to have an alter ego like the main heroine in the movie so I adapted her code name Black Mamba to my derby name.It's also pretty awesome to think that the snake breed, the black mamba, is also known to be one of the deadliest and fastest snakes in the world.Earning it the nickname, the kiss of death.
Favorite derby memory: I don't think I could pick just one! I will say though that one of my favorite things about derby though is the friendships and sense of community that come with it.I have made friends all over the world thanks to skating :)
Derby Mantra: "If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong."
Likes: Comic books, going to the skatepark, and cheese fries.
Dislikes:Winter,cinnamon,having to be patient
Pre bout rituals: I always start my rituals the night before a bout.First I make myself a good meal that has a lot of carbohydrates,protein,and vegetables.After that I sit down and enjoy a really brutal action movie to get myself in the right mind set.I begin the next day the same way just with a lighter meal :) As I'm getting ready I tend to do lots of stretching,put on some loud music,slather up some war paint,and then drink a double espresso before I head to the venue.I also like to have my teammates punch me as hard as they can in the arm to make sure I'm really pumped up!
Real Job: By day I'm an office assistant and daycare teacher.