Skating since:
What made you get involved in roller derby? I came across roller derby online while I was laid up with a broken kneecap in 2009. I decided then that I was going to do it when I could get off the couch. So... after attending 2 local games, i met Betty CrasHer who invited me to check out a practice. I started training with RTR in July/Aug 2010. How did you pick your name? My real name is Barbi and I'm almost 5'2. That's how i got "Doll". I've been kind of a pain in the ass since I turned 12, so that's where "Nightmare" comes from. (I'm also a big fan of the old Elm St horror movies) It sounded good to me. My teammates just call me Doll. I originally wanted to be "BB Guns" but someone else already had that name on the West coast. Favorite derby memory:'s so hard to pinpoint 1 "favorite" memory. I have had so many great moments playing and traveling for this sport. This past summer I drove to Sturgis, SD with my derby wifey, Lite Byte, to play at the Buffalo Chip during Bike Week. It was so fun and such a great experience. (Had the best camping neighbors you could want at a party like that! Here's looking at you, Minnesota Rollergirls!!!! Xoxo) I'm going again this summer! Way before that, it was a trip to the NC coast with the team. Meany & I broke into our motel's outdoor pool for a midnight swim after hours, the team stayed up practically all night, and then played in the ocean the next morning. Oh, yeah... Taking the train from Long Island into New York City with some teammates before a game (it was the 1st time I had ever been to NYC), oh, and a couple times I've been left on the track all by myself against an opposing team in a game because everyone else was in the box, and once I got lead jammer on Shenita Stretcher during a clinic (thanks Mercy 100!)...and I will never forget the hard fought co-ed bout I played in against Smoky Mt. Mafia. Talk about hardcore! hahaha...see?! I could write a book entitled "Doll's Derby Adventures". Hmm...perhaps I will when it's all said and done with. Derby Mantra: "Brick House". When I see a hit coming, or am going in for a hit, It reminds me to hit or counter-hit like I'm indestructible. I'm underestimated for my size. It's fun to surprise them. Likes: Celebrating "little victories" on the track, euphoric moments of clarity & teamwork, being in the right place at the right time, bettering my strength & skill. Oh yeah...and... I like dog rescuing, Pugs, German shepherds, black kitties, chocolate everything, apple pie moonshine, Fireball, riding on the back of motorcycles, hoarding black boots, tank tops & t-shirts, my Mazda3, roadtrips, metal music, crushed ice & Coca-Cola, and being a pain in the ass. Subject to change at any given moment due to untreated ADHD. Dislikes: Cold weather, helmets (just because they are a necessity doesn't mean I gotta like them), puppy mills, kill-shelters, not being accepted for the way I am, being censored, waiting in line for anything, running out of ice or soda, ect ... I'm a creature of comfort. As long as I have what I need to survive and feel comfortable, I'm good. Pre bout rituals: I always start bout day with metal music. Manson, Zombie, Pantera. It's gotta be angry and loud. Right when I wake up until it's time to get it on. It's also one of the few times im quiet...unless I'm singing. (because I'm plugged into an iPod...haha) Other than that, it's just another day. Real job: Target Inc. - I work on the presentation team. (This means I reset/renew aisles to make room for new products/changing seasons, etc. As well as put up new signing -----all the pictures, licensed characters, etc you see in the aisles.) Basically, my work team helps keep the store current and fresh. |